Saturday, October 22, 2016

Damon Albarn: Democrazy (Honest Jon's/2003)

Damon Albarn, he of Blur and Gorillaz fame, did what many touring musicians do. He recorded demos of songs in various hotel rooms across the United States. However, unlike the majority of them, he went ahead and released these sketch-like recordings, warts and all.

Recorded in 2003 on Blur's Think Tank tour, these fourteen songs on two ten-inch disks all contain a humble-sounding listenable quality. But this isn't the sort of thing you're going to return to very many times. Drum programs, acoustic guitar, organ and vocals are what you hear. And the songs were recorded simply as just a means of capturing an idea on tape to be worked on further.

Of these songs, "I Need A Gun" went on to become known as "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz. The remainder apparently never went further than the demo stage.

The artwork on the vinyl itself is beautiful and the die-cut packaging is very nice. So it is collectible for this and this alone. Otherwise, for Damon Albarn/Blur/Gorillaz completeists only.

Here's the video review:

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